Rock School

RSL Awards
RSL (Rockschool Limited) brings together the leading names in Contemporary Arts. It is a global, specialist awarding body. They pride themselves on their knowledge of the sectors they work in, and the quality and integrity of the qualifications they award. The world is full of musicians and performers who are keen to hone their skills and they are here to support them.
The qualifications regulators of England, (Ofqual) Wales, (DfES) and Northern Ireland (CCEA) accredit Rockschool Graded Music Exams, Entry Level (Debut) to Grade 8 plus the Teaching and Performance Diplomas. The qualifications regulator of Scotland (SQA Accreditation) accredit Rockschool Graded Music Exams, Grades 1 to 8.
About Rockschool
Rockschool is not a school !!
Rockschool is the ONLY music exam board to be FULLY accredited in the UK.
Rockschool offers qualifications in principal rock instruments and other areas of music study including performance skills and teaching. All our graded music exams have original set repertoire, encourage improvisation and have an element of free choice, so you can play the music you love and get a qualification.
Rockschool In India
Rockschool examinations were introduced in India in 2005. Rockschool India (RS India) is the Indian representative of the International Rockschool Examination Board. RS India will be responsible for all Rockschool examinations starting 2012, including Graded Music Exams and Performance Certificates for Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano/Keyboards and Vocals as well as Performance and Teaching Diplomas.
Rockschool UK
Rockschool was founded in 1991, with the first Guitar, Bass and Drum syllabus launched in 1993. The Rockschool team has a wide range of experience across the academic, music industry and live performance sectors. This hands on practical experience is what makes Rockschool qualifications and Rockschool Ltd, unique as an exam board. Rockschool is a fully accredited exam board that offers music qualifications to musicians of all ages and abilities.